contact Foung Hawj

Senator Foung Hawj Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Foung Hawj, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

NameFoung Hawj
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Contact Senator Foung Hawj
Senator Foung Hawj is a member of the Minnesota State Senate, representing District 67. He assumed office on January 8, 2013. His current term ends on January 5, 2027.

Foung Hawj for Senator

Senator Foung Hawj is a member of the Minnesota State Senate, representing District 67. He assumed office on January 8, 2013. His current term ends on January 5, 2027.

Early Life and Education: Senator Hawj grew up in Laos during the Vietnam War and sought asylum in Thailand’s refugee camps with his family before coming to the United States. He received his B.A. in 1990 in Media Arts and Computer Science from the University of Kansas. He earned his M.S. in Applied Science and Technology from New York’s Rochester Institute of Technology in 2001.

Career: Prior to being elected to the Minnesota Senate, Hawj worked as a freelance multimedia and outreach consultant. In 2016, he was selected to be a member of the Subcommittee on Equity, which secured $35 million in ongoing funding to address racial disparities in Minnesota.

Political Achievements: Senator Hawj prioritizes economic development, protecting the environment, improving education, and strengthening senior health care and housing. He has been re-elected multiple times, most recently in 2022.

Personal Life: He lives at the south end of Lake Phalen and enjoys spending time canoeing, fishing, and exploring the wilderness as recreation.

Contact Information: Senator Foung Hawj can be reached at his Capitol Office located at 95 University Avenue W. Minnesota Senate Bldg., Room 3231 St. Paul, MN 55155. His legislative assistant is Maikao Vue.

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