contact David Bulova

Representative David Bulova Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative David Bulova, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

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Contact Representative David Bulova
David L. Bulova (born May 6, 1969) is an American politician who has been representing District 11. He assumed office on January 10, 2024.

David Bulova for Representative

David Bulova grew up in Fairfax and met his wife Gretchen while attending Robinson Secondary. They have three wonderful children, Alex, Josette, and Grayson. David received a BA from the College of William and Mary, a Master’s in Public Administration and Policy from Virginia Tech, and is a graduate of the Sorensen Institute of Political Leadership at the University of Virginia. Professionally, David is a Project Manager at WSP Environment & Infrastructure Inc. specializing in stormwater management and Chesapeake Bay restoration.

David was first elected to the General Assembly in November 2005. He currently serves on the General Laws (chair), Appropriations, and Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources committees. David has been appointed to serve on the Chesapeake Bay Commission (chair), Housing Commission, State Water Commission, and Early Childhood Care and Education Commission. From 2003 to 2005, David was an elected representative on the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Board.

David is passionate about community service. He is currently on the Board of Trustees of Brain Injury Services, which provides support to survivors of brain injuries and their families, the Board of the City of Fairfax Band, and the Board of Advisors for the William and Mary Public Policy Program. He is also an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Centreville-Chantilly. Other community service includes: former coach with Fairfax Little League and Burke Athletic Club soccer; former member and treasurer of the Rotary Club of Annandale (1999-2002); former member of the Fairfax County Tree Commission (2004-2005); and, former appointee to the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Board and the Southern Regional Education Board Legislative Advisory Council. David and Gretchen served as co-chairs of the annual Middleridge community National Night Out crime prevention and awareness event for seven years.

​In their spare time, David and Gretchen are avid hikers and David enjoys serving as the co-chair of the General Assembly’s Outdoor Recreation Caucus.

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